  • 期刊


Understanding India's Maritime Doctrines and Strategy Documents: A Perspective


冷戰的結束帶給了印度洋區域在地緣政治與戰略上的轉變,其中主要的變化就是印度海洋勢力在區域上的崛起。本文認為2004年公佈的《印度海洋學說2004》(Indian Maritime Doctrine, 2004)以及2007年初版的《自由的使用海洋:印度的海洋軍事戰略》(Freedom to Use the Seas: India's Maritime Military Strategy)提供了印度藉由海軍成為海權大國的藍圖。然而由於這兩份文件主要談論的是印度如何透過軍事的相關力量,來完成國際政治與軍事上的目標,因此本文試圖探討印度在海洋議題上對於海洋學說與海洋戰略的新趨勢。


海洋戰略 海洋論述 印度洋 海權 戰略


The end of the Cold War era brought forth a major geopolitical and geostrategic shift in the Indian Ocean region. One of the dynamic changes is considered as the emergence of India's maritime prowess in the region. This paper argues that the enunciation of India's maritime doctrines in 2004 and thereafter and formal exposition of India's maritime military strategy document published in 2007 provide a roadmap for India's aspiration for becoming a sea-power by drawing broad roles for its navy. Whereas, the Strategy document aims to show the way to employ forces and build capabilities in pursuit of national political aims and military objectives. The paper examines the underlying tenets of India's maritime doctrines and strategy in the light of emerging trends in India's maritime domain.


Maritime Doctrine Exposition Indian Ocean Sea-Power Strategy
