  • 期刊


The Development between the New Southward Policy and Regional Economic Integration: Taiwan's Strategy and Opportunity


拜登政府(Biden Administration)上台後,強調重回區域經濟整合發展的軌道,加強地緣經濟合作的方式,來與中國經濟進行區域競爭,以及降低地緣政治的不確定,緩解緊繃的美中關係。對於拜登政府發展策略採取重回多邊主義機制的區域經濟合作,勢必會影響到印太戰略和東亞區域經濟的發展。對此,台灣對於拜登政府上台後,如何面對產業斷鏈問題,以及降低對大陸生產基地與出口市場的依賴外,宜積極和主動地啟動新南向2.0計畫,並以台商企業為厚實後盾,善用台灣高科技產業人才、技術與資源優勢,讓台灣成為「印太戰略」可靠與重要的夥伴,實乃為重要的因應策略。面對新南向2.0版和區域經濟整合的發展下,本文提出台灣一些重要的具體作法和策略建議:一、台灣應該先從產業對接角度思考,配合各國關鍵性產業發展。二、政府應該將海外投資視為國力的延伸介入輔導。三、產業以區域化、全球化的角度來檢視供應鏈。四、透過「台美基礎建設融資及市場建立合作架構」平台建構印太戰略安全與經濟合作一環。五、利用美國、印度對中國的經貿對抗敵意情況下,積極成為可信賴的夥伴。六、台灣政府扮演企業的後盾,和企業一起組成更高效率的生產團隊。七、與國外分享抗疫經驗。八、固守全球科技供應鏈的地位。九、台灣利用一帶一路倡議與印太戰略在區域經濟上的競爭,提供更多新南向政策的投資與援助資源,將東南亞和南亞整合成「世界工廠」基地。


The Biden administration's priority is to return to the development path of regional economic integration so as to strengthen geo-economic cooperation and regional competition with the Chinese economy. Doing in this way, the Biden administration on the one hand will reduce geopolitical uncertainty and ease the strained US-China trade relations. On the other hand, reverting to multilateral mechanisms of regional economic cooperation will affect directly on the Indo-Pacific strategy and the development of the Asian regional economy. In this regard, it is necessary for Taiwan to assess and prepare for the new situation on dealing with the problem of manufacturing supply disconnection and the reduction of trade reliance on the Mainland China, under actively and proactively initiating the New Southbound Policy 2.0. It is based on the support of Taiwan's businesses, the high-tech talents as well as high-level productive technology capacity under the New Southward Policy 2.0 that is compatible with the development of Indo-Pacific strategy alliance. As discussed and proposed, some available opportunities and strategy advices for Taiwan's regional development can be raised as following: (1) Taiwan should first think of industrial linkages to complement the development of key industries in various countries. (2) The government should regard overseas investment as an extension of national power and provide guidance and financial support. (3) The industry development should be examined the supply chain from the perspective of regionalization and globalization. (4) Thru "Taiwan-US Infrastructure Finance and Market Building Cooperation Framework" would help construct an India-Pacific strategic security and economic cooperation for Taiwan. (5) To take advantage of the economic and trade confrontation between the US and India with China, Taiwan would become a reliable partner for Indo-Pacific strategy alliance. (6) The Taiwan's government will act as a back-up role to enterprises and work with them to form more efficient production teams. (7) Sharing experience with foreign countries would contribute methods to control the epidemic expansion. (8) Taiwan should maintain her superior position and status in the global technology and supply chain. (9) Taiwan should make use of competition between the Belt-and-Road Initiative and the Indo-Pacific Strategy in the regional economy that will be conducive to the implementation of New Southward Policy 2.0 on providing more resources for investment and assistance. It will be good for the New Southbound Policy 2.0 to integrate Southeast Asia and South Asia into a base for "world factory."
