  • 期刊


Ink and Mind beyond the Limitation of Rules and Principles: Transformation of Creation and Style in the Art of Hung Ken-Shen


由洪根深擔任策展召集人的「2003美術高雄-心墨無法」跨年特展,在高雄市立美術館展出期間,引起國內畫壇不小的震撼與迴響.其影響可能在未來的歲月中,顯現出對台灣美術史發展的重大意義。一向自艾為南台灣邊陲的高雄畫壇,面對素以台北為主流中心的台灣藝術界,提出這樣的對話,應該不僅是一種不服輸的叫陳喊話而已,其更為宏觀的視野期許,從全面的展出選件取樣看來,其後續的發展恐怕是頗值得文化圈加以關注的。 「心墨無法」特展主要是以與高雄地緣相關的藝術家為主軸,在洪根深的策展下,高揭「心墨無法」的大旗,試圖探討台灣戰後到當下後現代思維洗禮後,水墨藝術在現代化的進程中,其介入當代的可能作法。以及在水墨發展面臨新時空的考驗之際,從傳統走到現代,面對衝擊下,其正在轉變的趨勢。它同時也是檢視現代水墨在新世紀出發前,已然的準備以及可能的解決方案之重要參考指標。另者「心墨無法」展覽所呈顯鋪陳出來的種種發展樣貌,似乎也正是觀察洪根深多年創作的一個概括背景,它提供了一個足堪參照剖析的平台,是洪根深從現代水墨的改革者,到「心墨無法」理念的實踐,這樣的轉型過程中,所曾面臨的種種困境及其突破之道的鏡映。 姑且卸下傳統水墨改革使命這個沈重包袱的洪根深,不再堅持自我創作風格中的水墨滲染特質以及傳統書法性筆墨的制約。有所捨才能有所得,然而該捨的應只是牽絆束縛限制的擺脫,而非完全的迎新棄舊,如此才得以廣泛的應用各種不同的材質與表現方法,來豐富自己的創作。而這或許就是洪根深所標榜的「心墨無不法」之最佳實踐吧!


洪根深 心墨無法 現代水墨


”Ink and Mind: Creation without Limits”, a special exhibition organized by Hung Ken-Shen for ”2003 Fine Arts in Kau-Hsiung” received considerable repercussions from wide audiences when it was held in December 2003. This exhibition itself and its influences on Taiwanese art as a whole are significant due to the artists of the southern art group are ambitious and determined to challenge Taipei as a central art force that has long been dominated by the Northerners for decades. The artists chosen for the exhibition may attract critics' attentions from now on for a certain long period owing to their talent are well demonstrated. ”Ink and Mind: Creation without Limits” was an exhibition participated by artist from Kauo-Shung. It sought to explore a possibility of the pursuit of 'contemporarily' in ink painting, a media familiar by artists in the movement of Taiwanese modern art since the world war Ⅱ to the present time. This exhibition also looks for a new light that ink painting may react properly in response to change and continuity in history of ink painting itself and in current art movements in particular. Meanwhile, the great varieties of art styles and tracts of their evolutions displayed in this exhibition can be regarded as reflections of Hung's artistic career which encompasses his revolutionary characteristic and the idea and practice of a creation without limitation of rules and principles. Hung Ken-Shen leaves behind his arduous mission as a revolutionist in the process of improvement of traditional ink painting, and neglects the combination of ink wash and calligraphy, which used to be regarded as necessary in traditional ink painting. What he pursues is an absolute freedom in art creation which can only bestowed by forsaking the past. Hung enriches his art by introducing varieties of new material and methods into his creation. All of the efforts he made to acquire the new light of ink painting can be regarded as a fulfillment of his philosophy, and practice as well, of the idea about 'Ink and Mind beyond the limitation of rules and Principles, the topic chosen for this special exhibition.


