  • 期刊


Sugar Economy and Urban Development: Nei-chiang, 1860-1949


農業的變遷影響人類聚落的發展,城市發展與其產業活動的變化亦有著密切關連。四川盆地於清中葉以後,甘蔗作物成爲重要的商品作物之一;清末民初種蔗面積更達70萬畝,產量年約300萬擔左右,產糖量高居全國首位。由於甘蔗的密集生產,因此刺激了手工業的興起,沱江流域成爲四川首要的蔗糖經濟區,植蔗面積占全川比率的73%。內江、富順、簡陽、資陽、金堂、資中球溪河等地因此成爲糖業重鎮;其中內江專業蔗農高達50%,糖坊、漏棚規模居全川之首,糖商群集,糖號林立,爲沱江流域最大的糖品集散市場,內江因此被譽爲「甜城」。是以甘蔗成爲內江(沱江流域)農民最主要的經濟作物,蔗糖經濟對於清末民初內江城市發展的影響至爲深遠。 本文主要探討沱江流域糖業與內江城市的發展,分別就內江蔗糖經濟的形成、城市產業結構的變化,即城市的工業化與商業化;觀察內江蔗糖經濟的形成,對於城市內部社會變遷的影響(包括社會結構、城鄉居民生活、社會衝突等),藉以瞭解區域產業經濟與城市發展的關連,同時提供學者對於近代中國城市類型與發展模式研究時不同面向的思考。


甘蔗 城市發展 沱江流域 內江


Agricultural change always affects the development of city. From the middle period of Ch'ing Dynasty, there were significant improvements in agriculture of Szechwan. In T'o River, The most outstanding phenomenon was the rapid expansion of sugarcane. In the early twentieth century, the area of sugarcane amounted approximately to 700, 000 mou, and the output of sugarcane amounted approximately to three million picul. Because of the production of sugarcane, which motivated the rise of family handicraft, T'o River Valley became the sugar-producing area, for example, Nei-chiang, Fu-shun, Chien-yang, Tzu-yang, Kin-tang, and Tzu-chung. Sugarcane was the most important subsistent-crop in these cities, particularly, the city of Nei-chiang was the most importment sugarcane market in the T'o River. This paper discusses about sugarcane economy and the development of city in T'o River of Szechwan. First, the study focus on Nei-chiang, it will be help to realize the process of agricultural commercialization, and to observe the influence of sugar trade, population structure, and culture of the city. In addition to provide a more objective background about the pattern of urban development. The first section shows that Nei-chiang became the sugar-producing area in T'o River Valley. The second section shows that the rapid expansion of sugar economy, about the rise of family handcraft, the specialization of standard market, the trade of sugar between Szechwan Basin and the neighboring provinces. The third section discusses the urban development and social change, about the structure of society, the conflict of society and the local culture. Final section discusses about the influences of social conflict by focusing on the events of sugar-peasants in the 1940s.


Sugarcane Urban development T'o River Nei-chiang


