  • 期刊


The Nationalism Ideas of Wang T'ao


鴉片戰爭之後,中國面臨著西方國家強力的挑戰,當時的啟蒙人物最迫切關懷的事情,即如何變法自強,如何爲國家找出路、爲民族求生存,以及如何立足於國際社會之中,因此,民族主義遂成爲近代中國知識分子所共同思考的方向之一。 清末啟蒙人物中,以王韜的民族思想最具有代表性。因爲他不但是首先主張廢除「領事裁判權」者;是倡行主權民族主義的先導;是最早提出君主立憲制主張的人;也是1860年代第一個提出經濟民族主義的學者。因此,王韜不但啟發了中國近代民族主義的興起,對於中國人的民族觀、族國觀、世界觀、國際觀之形塑都曾發揮過相當的貢獻與影響。 歷來學界對王韜的研究,可以說是成果豐碩。其中美國學者Paul A. Cohen(柯保安),”Wang T'ao and Incipient Chinese Nationalism”乙文,係從民族主義的角度,探討王韜對時代思想的啟發者。該文藉由王韜寓港旅英後的經歷與著作(如《普法戰紀》等),從富強觀、主權論、商力說、道器說等方面論述王韜在中國早期民族主義思想中的地位與影響。但對於王韜寓港前由族類民族主義轉變成爲主權民族主義的過程,以及寓港後所提出額外權利、主張君主立憲等創新想法,未能論及。 故而本文針對王韜一生的經歷,自其族類思想、愛國忠君思想,以至於主權民族主義、經濟民族主義、君主立憲制、文化混同觀等項目,再次且全面地討論處身於「數千年來未有之變局」下,王韜的民族主義思想之演變過程、思想精義,以及其對老舊的中國社會所帶來的衝擊與影響。


After the Opium War, China faced new challenges from Western powers. Many intellectuals of Ch'ing dynasty were urgently concerned about reforms and innovations so as the nation could survive from the challenge and become strong again to stand with the powers. As a result, Chinese nationalism came into being. Wang T'ao's nationalism was most representative of the time. He was the first one to propose the abolishment of ”consular jurisdiction,” to advocate ”sovereign nationalism,” to present ”constitutional monarchy,” and put forth ”economic nationalism” in the 1860's. Thus, he not only initiated Chinese nationalism but also helped to shape many related concepts-ethnic view, national-ethnic view, cosmopolitanism, etc. There has been abundant research on Wang T'ao. For instance, Paul A. Cohen's ”Wang T'ao and Incipient Chinese Nationalism” is a good study. It discussed how Wang developed his nationalism, what he had learned from his experience in England (e.g., Notes on the P'u-Fa Chan-chi), and how his ideas on national strength, sovereignty, commerce, etc. influenced the nation. But it does not discuss how Wang changed his ethnic nationalism into sovereign nationalism, and why he proposed extraordinary rights and constitutional monarchy after he returned from England. This is what the paper wishes to deal with. We would like to investigate how Wang T'ao, throughout all his life, managed to shape his idea of nationalism-one fused with ethnic thoughts, loyalty, sovereign nationalism, constitutional monarchy, and cultural integration, and how his thoughts shook and influenced ”the greatest change in thousands of years.”



