  • 期刊


A New Exploration of Sun Lien-chung Paying Homage to the Center Government in 1930


1930年的中原大戰,導致馮玉祥苦心經營的西北軍全面瓦解。就在西北軍瓦解前夕,馮玉祥於10月5日率司令部人員及衛隊旅和其他部隊,由鄭州北渡黃河,退駐豫北新鄉、焦作一帶,隨後第五路總指揮孫連仲也率所屬部隊趕至。這支殘餘的西北軍在主帥馮玉祥、前敵總司令鹿鍾麟先後出走及薪餉給養全無著落情形下,最後由孫連仲出面投效中央。 孫連仲之所以投效中央後世有所謂的馮玉祥授意及「陰差陽錯」等說法。然則透過《閻錫山檔案》〈各方往來電文〉及《蔣中正總統檔案》所保存的原始史料可知,孫之投效中央是透過韓復榘與南京中央搭上線。整個過程處處可見韓復榘的精心策劃與安排,並予以大力擔保。比較令人好奇的是李漢輝的角色。李漢輝原是孫連仲的參謀處處長,10月中旬,孫派李赴濟南請韓復榘代向中央接洽改編事宜,但在韓復榘的安排下,他竟赴南京晉謁蔣中正,獲得中央重視的程度,遠非稍後抵達的全權代表李炘、冉寅谷所能比擬。足見李漢輝於孫連仲投效中央之過程中扮演了舉足輕重的角色。本文無意否定李、冉兩位全權代表,也無意凸顯李漢輝的重要性,而是覺得在追求歷史真相的目標下,不應對韓復榘的策劃及李漢輝的角色有所忽視,更應將孫連仲投效中央之史實予以釐清。


西北軍 蔣中正 馮玉祥 孫連仲 韓復榘


The War of Central China in 1930 had caused the Northwestern Army to totally disintegrate. Before the army fell apart, Feng Yu-hsiang retreated to the northern parts of Honan via Chenchou, along with his staff, bodyguards and a few troops. Shortly afterwards, the commander-in-chief of the fifth division, Sun Lien-chung, also led his troop to join him. Later on, as Feng Yu-hsiang and Commander Lu Chung-lin left the remnants and as there were no more supplies for the army, Sun had but to turn to the Central Government for help. There have been a couple of interpretations on this event. Some said that it was Feng's idea to surrender to the Central Government; some claimed that it was simply a matter due to ”accidental mishaps.” But in view of Yen Hsishan Archives and Chiang Kai-shek's Archives, it was clear that Sun's surrender was carefully planned, arranged, and guarded by Han Fu-chih. The most intriguing thing was the role played by Li Han-hui, the chief of Sun's advisory board. In mid-October, Sun sent Li to Chinan to ask Han Fu-chih to talk to the Central Government about the reorganization issue. But in fact, with the help of Han, Li went directly to Nanking to see Chiang Kai-shek himself. This meeting proved far more influential than those between Li Hisn and Raan Yin-ku, the two authorized delegates, and the Nanking government. This paper aims to disclose the importance of Han Fu-chih and Li Han-hui in the surrender of Sun Lien-chung to the Central Government.


