  • 期刊


A Case Report on Nursing Experience with CAPD Patient Who Developed Peritonitis due to Constipation




腹膜炎 腹膜透析 便秘 低血鉀


This case report investigates the nursing experience of a patient undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) unfamiliar with dietary principles and had an insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables. This led to chronic hypokalemia and constipation that resulted in peritonitis due to changes in intestinal permeability. Nursing care was conducted from February 6, 2012 to February 27, 2012. Data was collected though observations, interviews, physical evaluations and review of hospital records. By using Gordon's 11 functional health patterns along with data analysis, the author was able to identify the following patient problems during nursing care: high fever, acute pain, anxiety and lack of health knowledge. After a thorough nursing evaluation, the author took the initiative by showing care and solicitude to the patient. Compassion was used to build a strong nurse-patient relationship, and provide individualized nursing care that improved the physical problems of the patient. Collaboration with the medical team to provide the patient with knowledge and nursing guidance reduced the patient's anxiety. This proved successful in correcting the patient's faulty knowledge on the cause of CAPD-related peritonitis and also corrected the patient's bad habits on not eating vegetables, helped the patient re-learn preventive home care measures, and enhanced his self-care capacity to prevent the future recurrence of peritonitis. The author hopes that this nursing care experience can be used as a future reference for similar cases, and remind health workers that a careful and thorough evaluation of patients experiencing peritonitis will lower its incidence while also improving patient's dialysis quality and efficiency.


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