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Pregnancy in a Female Patient under Hemodialysis




血液透析 懷孕


It's not easy for a patient with end stage renal disease to get pregnant. Here we report on a patient who became pregnant while on maintenance hemodialysis. The authors collected relevant information by observation, counselling, and physical evaluation from April 2nd, 2012 through to August 3rd, 2012. By means of Gordon's 11 functional health patterns, we found that the patient was experiencing low hemoglobin level, conflicts over choices, and anxiety. The author utilized the skills of sympathy, companionship, and listening to understand the difficulties faced by the subject. Comprehensive evaluation, monitoring and management ensured the safety of the fetus during dialysis procedure. In addition, the team minimized potential harm to the patient and her husband by means of positive thinking and decision-making. Diet education and increased use of EPO produced an improvement in anemia. The author also provided relevant information to relieve patient anxiety. The patient eventually gave birth to a healthy baby with no complications. We recommend training programs as well as keeping flow charts and records for pregnant patients under maintenance dialysis for future reference and mutual communication among staff. In sharing this case, the author hopes to help nursing personnel with caring for patients in similar situations in the future.


hemodialysis pregnancy


Furaz-Czerpak, K. R., Fernández-Juárez, G., Moreno-de la Higuera, M. Á., CorchetePrats, E., Puente-García, A., & MartínHernández, R. (2012). Pregnancy in women on chronic dialysis: Review. Nefrologia, 32(3), 287-294. doi: 10.3265/Nefrologia.pre2012.Jan.11319
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