  • 期刊


Care Experience for A Dialysis Patient with Death Anxiety at Terminal Stage of Bladder Cancer




This article explores the nursing care experience for a dialysis patient at terminal stage of bladder cancer, the symptoms of physical and mental discomfort, the anxiety caused by the prospect of death and the ethical choices the family has to face. During the care period from January 8, 2015 to January 28, 2015, the author used the Roche adaptation model to analyze issues including chronic pain, nutritional status, less than physical needs, death anxiety and choice conflicts regarding care. Data collection was done through direct care, interviews, observation of family interactions, medical records and physical assessment. During the care process, comfortable position, essential oil massage and music therapy can be used to relieve pain; clarification of dietary precautions and formulation of nutrition plans are measures that can help improve appetite. Be an empathetic listener, encourage patients to express their inner feelings about facing the process of dying to overcome anxiety and grief. Keep in mind patient’s best interest, provide relevant medical information when they face choice conflicts over condition changes, maintaining comfort and dignity until the end.


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