  • 期刊


A Project for Improving the Nursing Operation of the Sphygmometer of Nursing Care Staff




Operating the sphygmometer (blood pressure meter) accurately is critical for the safety of patients. Ensuring patients' safety is essential for the clinical nursing staff. Our specialized project team reviewed the accuracy for the operation of blood pressure meters at 63.6%. The reasons for low accuracy were (1) cuff deflation was not performed, (2) power was not connected to the blood pressure meter when unused, (3) The staff was unfamiliar with the operation procedures, and (4) the monitor was not connected or fixed in place. Systematic errors include: (1) no vocational education, (2) no information announcement and (3) no instruction handbook. In regard to the equipment, we lack signs for reminder, photos for steps & guidelines, and there were no explanations in Chinese. Solutions proposed for the issues mentioned above include: announcing information on blood pressure meters, providing vocational education, notifying operation steps with pictures, providing a list of improper operators, executing monitoring mechanisms, using reminder cards, holding operation discussions, and providing Chinese translations for the buttons etc. After the adjustments were made, the accuracy improved from 63.6% to 98.8%. Results of the project were proven effective and can be used as a reference for other units.


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陳玉枝(2004).從護理照護層面談病人安全.台灣醫學,8(4),528-534。doi: 10.6320/FJM.2004.8(4).10
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