  • 期刊


Reducing the Rate of Artificial Kidney Clotting During Hemodialysis




If the artificial kidney is coagulated during the dialysis process, it needs to be interrupted to affect the quality of dialysis. Purpose of this project is reducing the incidence of hemodialysis artificial kidney coagulation. Reason for analysis: that nurse lack of awareness and sufficient familiarity with hemodialysis artificial kidney coagulation, failed to control the weight differences within the +6% of dry weight and have no self-care for vascular access of patient, incomplete procedures performed by nursing staffs, lack of evaluation and incentive system. Improvement measures included in this project: organizing of on-the-job training, develop five-step whispers and safety slogans, reverse education in technical procedures, elaborate water control form, produce vascular access self-care instruction leaflets and educational videos, revised standard hemodialysis protocols, and nursing guidance, set up nursing staff audit system with reward and punishments. Results of the project: the incidence of artificial kidney coagulation decreased to 0.41% improved the quality of nursing care.


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