  • 期刊


Establishing a Name with Thinking: Regarding to the Editing, Dissemination and Acceptance of Qun Shu Zhi Yao




群書治要 魏徵 蕭德言 虞世南 褚亮


What is the value and significance of "Qun Shu Zhi Yao"? The interpretation, interpretation and acceptance of future generations are the key. Therefore, this thesis attempts to sort out the writing, communication and acceptance through the "Qun Shu Zhi Yao". On the one hand, we can see the wonderful and limited of the existing understanding. On the other hand, we try to explain an interpretation perspective that exists and needs to be expanded. It takes full care of the rich content of the "Qun Shu Zhi Yao". In the specific discussion, this thesis breaks through the compilation of the "Qun Shu Zhi Yao" in a broken way. Through the overall grasp, we can see that the "Qun Shu Zhi Yao" closely follows the characteristics of the times, based on the editor's thinking. To look inside the body thinking of "Qun Shu Zhi Yao". Secondly, through the combing of the state of the "Qun Shu Zhi Yao", grasp the tortuous changes of its influence, including the survival after the completion of the book in China, and the survival and preservation after the spread of Japan. Finally, the perspective of acceptance that is closely related to communication can be roughly divided into five aspects of concern: (1) taking considerable observations (2) as emperors (3) focusing on communication benefits (4) focusing on literature values (5) Exploring the ideological connotation, number one to three are limited, and it is easy to lose the value of existence. The fourth perspective has good results. However, the vision of pioneering thinking can not only be included in the value of the book. With the spirit, and can deepen the meaning of the literature.


Qun Shu Zhi Yao Wei Zheng Xiao Deyan Yu Shinan Chu Liang


【唐】吳兢撰,謝保成集校,《貞觀政要集校》。北京:中華書局,2012。Wu, jing. “Zhen guan zheng yao Ji jiao (Mandarin Chinese Edition Collated),” collated by Hsieh Pao-cheng, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2012.
【唐】魏徵等編撰,《群書治要》校訂本編輯委員會校訂,《群書治要》校訂本。北京:中國書店,2014。Wei, Zheng. “Qunshu Zhiyao Jiaodìng ben (The Governing Principles of Ancient China)” collated by Collated edition editorial board, Beijing: China Book Company, 2014.
