  • 期刊


Emotionalism or Intellectualism? Interpretations of Dai Zhen's Moral Doctrine from Modern Western Philosophies




戴震 尊德性 道問學 情感主義 智識主義


Today, the evaluations of Dai Zhen's philosophy exhibit ambiguities, and has no consensus. Liang Qichao thought Dai Zhen was one of the emotionalisms, while Yu Ying-shih argued Dai Zhen as an intellectualism. The nature of emotionalism and intellectualism draw attentions to ethics and knowledge, respectively. Does Dai Zhen's philosophy demonstrate conflicts or harmonics inherently from the two theories? Nowadays, it is the revival age of ethics in western philosophy. The "Virtue Epistemology", exploring the relationship between knowledge and ethics, especially attracts lots of attentions. In fact. Chinese philosophers investigated this topic for a long time. Dai Zhen, a prominent scholar in Qing Dynasty, further emphasized to build the ethics based on knowledge. What is Dai Zhen's methodology to achieve harmonics among knowledge, ethics and desire? This study attempts to provide perspectives from western modern philosophies, and look into Dai Zhen's moral doctrine based on Emotionalism and Intellectualism.


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