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An Analysis of Party Politics and the 2008 Presidential Election in Taiwan Following the Election of the KMT Chairman


台灣的民主化,歷經威權統治、地方兩黨政治的發展、中央兩次總統直選國民黨敗選,選票結構逐漸自6:4 轉爲5:5。連戰的卸任以及未來選票考量,台灣的政黨政治有改善的機會。2008年總統大選,馬英九法務部長任內降爲三分之一刑期即得假釋、台北市長任內納莉水災、SARS等重大問題的處理能力,將被檢驗。媒體容易見樹不見林報導各種問題,但聲望卓著的評比顯示台灣整體的政治、經濟指標在國際上均名列前茅,這些指標將影響2008年大選。


國民黨 政黨政治 2008大選


The vote tally has been transferred from the former KMT's 60 percent versus the DPP's 40 percent to a 50-50 split during the process of Taiwan's democratization, passing through authoritarian rule, the development of party politics at the local level, and the KMT's loss of two presidential elections. Lien Chan's departure from office and the considerations of winning support in the future elections will create an opportunity to improve Taiwan's party politics. Ma Ying-jeou's policy to reduce parole terms, and his ability to handle the problems arising from the Nali flood and the SARS epidemic, will be considered by the voters. The media are used to missing the forest for the trees while reporting various problems, but according to various surveys, Taiwan's political and economic achievements are internationally outstanding. These indicators will affect the 2008 presidential election.


陳譽文(2011)。選民與政治人物連結類型與其變遷 —以2004年及2008年總統選舉與立委選舉為例—〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.02513
