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Electronic Communication Surveillance on Entire Population and Personal Data Protection


本文研究對象為歐盟法院(CJEU)大法庭於2016年12月做成,對瑞典與英國關於其以全民作為通訊監察對象法案之Tele2 Sverige AB and Watson判決,以此判決作為研究的起點,本文之研究目的為分析理解關於以現代資料科技作為手段,透過全民電子通訊監察之方式所追求之國家安全,與個人資料保護權利之間之競合,並嘗試建立衡平之模式。在該判決中,歐盟法院認為在合於憲法民主國原則下的民主社會中,以法律規範一網打盡式的全民電子通訊監控,無論如何都是對於隱私權、個人資料保護權利以及言論自由權利等嚴重之侵害。就關於個人資料保護與其他基本權利保障衡平之問題言,隱私權與個資保護權利在基本權利保障事項中,並不是一個絕對權,在個案中基於權利衡平之操作,必然地對於其他同為基本權利之事項會有不同程度之退讓餘地。歐盟法院對此要求國家機關必須有清楚且準確之規則規範國家機關在何種實體要件與正當法律程序要件,且該等規則須基於客觀證據標準而非虛無縹緲的主觀臆測公共利益之考量下,方得以留存與接近使用該等後設資料。本文對此進一步認為即便管制焦點由個資蒐集階段退縮至利用階段,仍應堅持目的性原則之核心內涵。再者,歐盟法院該判決亦認為人格圖像之剖析對個人言,與真實之通訊內容一樣受到個資保護諸權利之保障,此際以科學評價作為唯一之評價方式,並自動化由機器根據該等評價作成決定而欠缺自然人之介入,將導致整體社會之發展可能欠缺保障人格自由發展之考量。


This essay examines a series of judgements of the Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU), in particular the case of Tele2 Sverige AB and Watson, regarding the litigation derived from laws on surveillance in member states of the European Unions. On the basis of the judgements, this essay aims to comprehend and analyse state electronic surveillance on entire population, e.g., the surveillance on web browsing history and all the other sorts of metadata, without proper privacy and personal data protection safeguards via modern data technologies. In the mentioned judgements the CJEU confirms that, under the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and EU data protection law, such blanket retention of personal confidential data, including traffic data and so on, is unlawful and mass surveillance programmes are only allowed if they are targeted, e.g., fighting against serious crime, and not implemented on a general and indiscriminate basis. Furthermore, without appropriate safeguards, this essay argues that profiling and automated decision-making technologies can pose significant risks for data subjects' fundamental rights and freedoms.


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