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觀世音菩薩造像記新論|A New Perspective on the "Inscriptions on the Guanyin Buddha Statues"




『芸文類聚』 懺悔 思惟像


法隆寺〈觀世音菩薩造像記〉被收錄於《古京遺文》的首篇。文學和語言兩方面所積累的研究成果可以概括為三大問題,亦即,(1)專有名詞的解釋;(2)年代的推定;(3)文體的選擇。論爭能否解決完全取決於漢字資料的用例。於是,筆者找到初唐的類書,首次發現了典故的微妙之處。隨之,為(1)和(2)開啟了新的視野;漢籍的用例,亦有助於強化正格漢文體的觀點。再者,當我們以銘文的月份和日期以及佛像的造型作為線索,可以看出願主懺悔的願意。這也與經文的脈絡相吻合。最後,倘若不提及中國先行思惟像的文字資料,便不可能解開銘文刻字方向的特殊性之謎。|The "Inscriptions on the Guanyin Buddha Statues" in Horyuji Temple were integrated in the "Inscriptions from the Old Capital" as the first chapter. The research results that have been published over the years in both literature and linguistics areas cover mainly three major issues: (1) interpretations of proper nouns; (2) age dating, and (3) choices of types of writing. Whether these arguments can be resolved depends on the examples from the kanji (Chinese characters) data. The author of this study found something subtle about the literary allusions from the reference books from the early Tang Dynasty, opening new possibilities for perspectives related to (1) and (2). The examples used in the Chinese books can help consolidate the perspective of seikaku-kanbun (literary Chinese). Moreover, after including the months and dates of the inscriptions and the designs of the buddha statues as clues, we discovered the willingness to repent, which is in line with the context of the scriptures. Lastly, the mystery of the unique carving direction of the inscriptions cannot be solved without considering the textual data related to the Chinese meditating statues.


(日本語)今井庄次他編 (1975) 『書の日本史第一巻飛鳥/奈良』、東京:平凡社所収佐久間竜「御物弥勒造像銘」。
大木康著、竹田晃他編 (2008) 『笑林笑賛笑府他』(中国古典小説選12)、東京:明治書院。
小長谷恵吉(1936) 『日本国見在書目録解説稿』、東京:くにたち本の会。
小尾郊一 (1977二版) 『文選(文章編)六』、東京:集英社。
川崎滋子 (1979)「半跏思惟像考」『美学・美術史学科報』第7号、pp.18-35。

