  • 期刊

繼往開來 再創新局

Following the Footsteps of the Founders, and Re-building Our New Era


一、百年前 國父孫中山先生推翻滿清,創立中華民國,締造亞洲第一個民主共和國。在1世紀的風雨考驗中,中華民國堂堂邁入21世紀,民主化過程所歷經之挑戰與成果,以及所締造之「臺灣經驗」,足為亞洲最具代表性之民主典範,也是開國第一個一百年最偉大的成就,就像完美鑽石一般,在歲月淬煉下,綻放璀燦光芒。二、全體國軍官兵應效法開國先烈「犧牲小我、完成大我」,及以天下蒼生福祉為念的精神,將實踐國軍使命,視為終身不渝的責任與榮譽,時時做好「為中華民國生 存發展而戰」、「為臺澎金馬百姓安全福祉而戰」的準備,貫徹保國衛民的神聖使命。三、中共迄今未承諾放棄以武力犯臺,來自中共的軍事威脅未曾間斷。面對當前情勢,國軍在「預防戰爭」及「備戰而不求戰」之指導下,以「防衛固守、有效嚇阻」為目標,建立一支「小而精、小而強、小而巧」的國防勁旅,完整建構「固若磐石」的國防武力,以作為國家安全屏障有力的後盾。


1. One hundred years ago, Dr. Sun yat-sen over thrown the Ching dynasty and founded the first democratic republic in Asia. Today, the Republic of China is proudly striding into the 21th century, its ”Taiwan Experience” stands as the testimony of success in democracy and overcoming obstacles over the years. The Republic of China to date, is the most representative paragon of democracy in Asia, this is one of our proudest achievement while marking the first centennial of our nation, it is like a perfect diamond, shining splendidly throughout time. 2. All members of our armed forces should follow the examples of our nation's founders (martyrs). To ” accomplish the greater goal through individual sacrifices” and in the name of the greater good for the world, putting in practice the given duty of our armed forces, consider it an honor and responsibility now and always, all the time prepare to fight for the existence and development of the Republic of China, fight for the safety and benefit of the people of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Mazu, thoroughly perform the sacred duty of guarding our country and its citizen.3. To date, the PLA has never given up the pledge to take over Taiwan by force, the source of this threat is the contrive expansion of the Chinese Military. Facing this situation, our armed forces under the guidance of ” preventive war” and ” prepare but not request” for war are working toward the goal of” strong national defense, effective deterrence”, and creating a” small but refined, small but strong, small but nimble” fighting force, completing the frame work of ” hard ROC” national defense, in turn acting as a strong shield to ensure our national security.




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