  • 期刊


The Asymmetrical Superiority in Taiwan Defense Operations: From Center of Gravity Perspective Colonel Jiang, Xian Zhi


普魯士克勞塞維茨將軍在其著《戰爭論》,率先將物理學重心(Center ofGravity,COG)概念引進軍事領域,將攻擊敵方「重心」為作戰之要則;不對稱作戰(Asymmetrical Warfare)是弱國從整體劣勢中尋找敵弱點,於決勝點上創造「眾與強」之局部不對稱優勢戰勝強國,實與「重心」概念具異曲同工之妙。本研究藉「重心」概念,依據關鍵能力,關鍵需求與關鍵弱點,分析臺澎聯合防衛作戰攻守勢雙方之階段與全程「作戰重心」,攻方為登(著)陸部隊與聯合作戰指管機制,守方為海、空戰力與聯合作戰指管機制,其消長將影響雙方戰略態勢與全般戰略決策;藉作戰重心與不對稱作戰思維,結合德國「以寡擊眾」經驗及德籍駐華顧問對國軍之觀察與指導,從戰略、科技、戰術、戰鬥迄戰技各層面,探討臺澎防衛作戰國軍之不對稱作戰優勢作為,供建軍備戰規劃參考。


Center of Gravity, COG, is originally a physical concept. Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz first introduced this concept into military field in his book ”On War”, which highlights primary principles in military operations as attacking enemy's center of gravity. Asymmetrical Warfare is typically a way that a weak state uses to defeat another stronger enemy. Based on center of gravity concept, including critical capabilities, critical requirements and critical vulnerabilities, the study explores the operational center of gravities between Taiwan and Mainland China, such as both sides' joint command and control mechanism, Chinese landing operational capability, and Taiwan's air and naval capabilities, since these capabilities will critically impact both sides' probability of success and strategic decision-making process. The study integrates operational center of gravity and asymmetric operations concept with Germany military advisor's experiences during the World War II and the Cold War to uncover various asymmetric efforts in strategic, technological, tactics, and combat areas, in order to provide useful recommendations to the defensive planning in Taiwan.


