  • 期刊


Inspiration on "Victory" Thought of Sun Tzu's Art of War




先勝 全勝 戰勝 國家戰略 軍事戰略


"Victory" is the core of Sun Tzu's military thinking, which can be divided into "first victory", "complete victory", and "fighting victory" according to their different connotations respectively."First victory" is well-prepared to create a most favorable environment and the strategic posture of war before war;"complete victory "means the smallest loss in the war to attain the goal of "a country at peace and an army intact"; "fighting victory" is to make the enemy surrender by forces for achieving the purpose of war."First victory" is the basis and prerequisite of "complete victory" and "fighting victory"; "complete victory" is not only the most effective use of war power created by "first victory", but also the creation of necessary conditions for "fighting victory." When "complete victory" fails, then "fighting victory" takes over to win the battle, and the "fighting victory" can serve bargaining chip for the strategy of "complete victory."Sun Tzu's military thinking of "victory" is immortal and has a certain implications to today's national strategy, military strategy, defense operations, even for the battlefield of life.
