  • 期刊


Threats from Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Post-COVID era: Retrospective and Prospective view of Flavivirus


新冠病毒肆虐全球兩年餘,回顧疫情初期,在全球科學界的共同努力下,在不到一個月的時間就將病毒全基因序列公佈於世,用的是新世代基因定序的技術,並在不到一年的時間疫苗就問世,用的是mRNA疫苗的技術,在不到兩年的時間已經有抗病毒的藥物,包括初期單株抗體藥物治療,在大多數國家紛紛採用與病毒共存的策略,疫情帶來危機也是轉機,如何吸取新冠病毒的慘痛教訓,面對仍有許多已知或未知的新興傳染病具有造成全球大流行的潛力,在發生大流行前,做好準備,本篇文章從黃病毒(genus Flaviviruses)切入,回顧其流行病學的歷史與疫苗及抗病毒藥物的發展,包括單株抗體在疫情爆發初期的準備,並針對如何應用新世代基因定序技術在疾病監測與診斷以及早偵測未知病毒,期待在面對新興傳染病之威脅能有更整合性的防治策略。


SARS-CoV-2 ravaged the world for more than 2 years and caused significant casualties, but several advances have been made through the endeavors of global scientists, including release of whole genome sequences using next-generation sequencing technology within a month immediately after the discovery of the pathogen, as well as development of vaccines using mRNA technology and antiviral therapeutics, especially the human monoclonal antibodies developed during the early phase of the pandemic. At this moment, most countries have adopted a coexistence strategy. However, the pandemic brought turning points amid the crisis. We need to learn the hard lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for and prevent the next pandemic. This review focuses on flaviviruses, describing its epidemic histories, progress in vaccine and anti-viral development, and advancing new technologies in pathogen detection and disease surveillance. An integrated prevention strategy is proposed in response to the threat of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases.
