  • 期刊


Apply Rough Set Theory to Construct the Pre-diagnosis Process of Medical Cosmetology


皮膚是人類最大的器官,由於保養美顏觀念的盛行,外加生物科技蓬勃發展,「醫學美容」成為現代人的首選,然而兼具醫學知識及美容保養的醫學美容師,是第一線與求診者接觸的人員,利用消費者對醫學專業知能的信任,輔助美容療程的運用,最終達到美容的目的;但是醫學美容的療程,大多數係針對特定膚質狀況而設計的,因此本文將利用約略集理論,先推導出一套「膚質屬性資料庫」,並設計「先期診斷程序」用以判斷採用何種療程對應膚質狀況。 由於「約略集」(Rough set)理論的特性是要將隱含的資訊區隔出來,以作為診斷與療程判別的依據,本研究先將目前醫學美容中,較常使用的療程與膚質狀況,以「療程」-「膚質」兩個構面,對應出「約略集」理論中的「宇集合」(Universe)與「屬性集合」(Attribute),可是這兩構面的互相隸屬性並不明確,所以必需進行本研究所謂的「順向」與「逆向」約略集結構化醫學美容分析,也就是說,將「療程」與「膚質」兩構面互換,所形成的「不可辨識關係表」(Indiscernibility, relation table),再使用「布林代數」(Boolean algebra)化簡成「可辨識分類函數」(Discernibility classification function),進一步分別找出「順向」與「逆向」約略集醫學美容所能處理的「膚質屬性資料庫」與「療程屬性資料庫」,找出合理的解構過程,做為先期診斷程序的參考依據。


”Skin” is the largest organ of the human body. Recently, the skin care and beauty has been the hottest issue for the modern people. Besides, the biological technology was well developed, and the medical cosmetology would surely become the most popular field for the modern life. The medical cosmetology operator should be familiar with both medical and cosmetic knowledge, and provide professional advises for patients. After winning the trust of the patient, the treatment program and related technique of the medical cosmetology could be processed. But the very first step of applying treatment program s as the diagnosing process, this paper would like to propose the methodology and the rough set theory to set up the complete diagnosis procedure. In this paper, the rough set theory is applied to buildup the diagnosis process by using two dimensions: the treatment program and the skin condition as the universe set and the attribute set. By utilizing these two sets to facilitate the indiscernibility relation table, the medical cosmetology could be transformed to the structured matrix that contained all possible information of treatments v.s. skin conditions. Somehow the mutual belonging relationship between the two sets was unsure, the ”forward” and the ”backward” rough set of the medical cosmetology would be developed, and the skin condition attribute database and the treatment program attribute database would be presented in the same time. That is, two dimensions would be exchanged to find out the reasonable explanation. On the other hand, the indiscernibility relation table could be used to formulate the discernibility classification table, and simplified by applying Boolean algebra. The simplified discernibility functions would be deduced from the discernibility classification table. Decomposing simplified discernibility functions to formulate the collection of the attribute database for both forward and backward rough sets of the medical cosmetology would be discussed. Further discussions of every element in these two databases would be shown in this research.


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