  • 期刊


Research on Consumer Attraction of SPA Beauty Industry




With the improvement of the average income of the compatriots, there are obvious differences in lifestyle and quality of life requirements from the last century. Many people have begun to pursue external perfection, which has led to the popularization of Taiwan's SPA beauty industry. At a price that you can afford, choosing a treatment that suits you or pursuing cosmetic modification or relieving physical and mental pressure, has become normal and fashionable. The SPA beauty industry market is extremely competitive, and all operators do everything they can to survive. Therefore, how to create a customer-oriented atmosphere to attract consumers, and how to effectively improve operating performance to ensure the stability of customer sources is the most urgent issue for all operators. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the SPA beauty industry's service quality, brand image, product price and equipment on consumer appeal. The research uses the Kano two-dimensional quality questionnaire to find out the attributes of SPA beauty industry consumer appeal category and satisfaction improvement indicators. The results of the study are shown on twenty-two quality factors, seven of which are classified as "one-dimensional quality", while thirteen of which are classified as "charm quality", and the other two are classified as "undifferentiated quality". None of them is classified as "required quality" or "reverse quality."


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