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A Retrospective Analysis of Haydn's "Seven Last Words of the Christ on the Cross"


海頓(1732~1809)為十八世紀最重要的作曲家之一。在前段章節裡,作者介紹海頓的生平、音樂作品與作曲風格。由分析海頓的創作手法切入海頓於1785年接受西班牙加地斯大主教(Cathedral of Cádiz)的委託,為耶穌受難日中午教堂內舉行之彌撒,創作出的管弦樂曲「基督在十字架上的最後七言」。作者針對「基督在十字架上的最後七言」歷史背景等概要之解說後,針對每首奏鳴曲內音調的結構與樂曲分析,藉以深入探究該作品。最後則是對此曲四個不同的演出版本演奏風格的詮釋與技巧性的探討等,共分成四個章節逐一討論。


Joseph Haydn (1732~1809) was one of the most influential composers in the eighteenth century. This document seeks to examine and analyze Haydn's "Seven Last Words of the Christ on the Cross". In the first chapter, the author provides a general overview of Haydn's music, its compositional style and the historical background of "Seven Last Words of the Christ on the Cross". The author then provides a summary of Haydn's aesthetic principles with regards to this piece. Following the summary, a stylistic analysis of the harmony and tonal structure in each of the seven movements of piece is presented. The author also compares and contrasts the four performance versions (orchestral, string quartet, oratorio and piano) of "Seven Last Words of the Christ on the Cross".
