  • 期刊


An Comparative Examination of Habermas' "Four Crisis Theories" in Late Capitalism in Taiwan and Mainland China


本文的緣起,乃因筆者有鑑於台灣在陳水扁政府上台兩年多後,股市起伏震盪劇烈,又因著金融掃黑,逐步使舊政商黑金結構唱起輓歌,連帶使諸多經濟結構問題暴露出來。最嚴重的問題之一乃是:相對於高科技業的傳統產業,無論體質健不健全,金融構即使資金浮濫也不太願意貸款給這些業者,傳統產業正面對空前的危機。而江澤民主政時期,一如章家敦的«中國即將崩潰»一書所指出,中國大陸的危機有一、國有企業垂死掙扎。二、大陸國營銀行來日不多。三、入世將引發全般崩潰。四、意識形態與政治阻礙進步等要項;中國大陸在此時刻,各種事物動盪不定,不均衡乃為常態,而不確定盛行。兩岸共同面對經濟發展的困境並社會問題叢生的問題,故而引發想更清楚探究兩岸政經發展的問題之動機。 分析工具上,筆者採用哈伯瑪斯的晚期資本主義「四重危機理論」,因其為獨特的體系理論,奠基於資本主義世界體系的幾百年歷史發展,所以有相當的解釋力。本文之貢獻,除了借用哈白瑪斯理論工具之嘗試外,筆者亦另外提出諸如「文化心理底層結構崩解論」之觀點,算是新的嘗試


The origin of this paper is the author seeing that after President Chen Shui-bian’s government functioning over two years, the stock market rose and fell violently; and because the government eliminated financial underworld society, it stroke fiercely on the old structure of underworld political business gradually, and then exposed many economic structural problems. One of the most serious problems is that most of the conventional industries can’t grant a loan from banks with capital overflow. Conventional industries are facing unprecedented crisis. On the other hand, in Jiang Zemin’s China, there were some crisis factors which hided in the political、economic、social aspects. Both sides of Taiwan Strait face a difficult position from economic development and dense growth of social problems, so the author tries to research the political and economical problems in the two sides of Taiwan Strait. In this paper, I use four aspects (in Jürgen Habermas’ writings: Legitimation Crisis) as an analysis tool, those are: Theorems of Economic Crisis, Theorems of Rationality Crisis, theorems of Legitimation Crisis, Theorems of Motivation Crisis. Because Habermas’s theory have it’s foundation layer the development of capitalism in hundred years, so it has capacity to explain. The contribution of this paper is the new attempt to bring up and idea of “collapse of the bottom layer in cultural and mental structure”.
