  • 期刊


A Preliminary Chronological Study of Ancient Chinese History of Travel Journal


忘與記相對,人們怕忘,將事物仔細地描繪、記載下來。散文有記事、達意、說理的實際用途。和繪畫一樣,屬於應用散文的遊記,其內容主要是記事。 遊記散文的表現方法多種多樣,其創作手法一樣,約可概括爲賦、比、興三種類型。隨著年代的演變,遊記散文,從生硬的場景描寫的寫景文,接著是駢文詩序、書信、銘序或題記,然後是日記體的文章誕生,最後融合賦、比、興三種方法,才寫成一篇完整的遊記。 中國古代遊記散文可細分成:先秦兩漢、魏晉南北朝、唐、宋、金元、明、清等時期。本文討論代表不同時代文學家遊歷的48篇遊記,每篇遊記散文都有其特色。


寫景文 詩序 書信 題記 日記體文章 遊記


Contrary to forget, we describe things and make the notes in order to memorize the facts occurred in daily life. The purpose of writing is to describe things, to express explicitly, and to explain the truth. Similar to painting, the contents of the travel journal is mainly describing the details of scenery. There are many methods to write the travel journal. In summary they can be divided into three different types: description, comparison, and reflection. Having revolved from the method of descriptive scenery article, the article is written by the style of poem foreword, the letter of travel notes, as well as the prefatory remarks, and then the diary body article. Finally the article is written by combining three different types to reach the style of travel journal. The ancient Chinese history of travel journal can divide it into seven (7) periods: 1) Qin and Two Han Dynasty; 2) Wei-Jin and South and North Dynasties; 3) Tang Dynasty; 4) Song Dynasty; 5) Jin and Yuan Dynasties; 6) Ming Dynasty; 7) Qing Dynasty. In this study forty-eight (48) articles selected among seven periods are discussed.

