  • 期刊

理性反思、詩性想像與倫理教育-論Peter Winch與Martha Nussbaum哲學思考的文學跨界

Rational Reflection, Poetic Imagination and Moral Education: A Study of Peter Winch's and Martha Nussbaum's Literary Border-crossing of Philosophical Thinking


本文將討論聚焦於「道德哲學家的小話文本應用」之上,企圖在「理性優位」的主流倫理哲學之外,藉由分析並比較不同哲學家文學跨界的文本借喻,據此尋求釋放人類原有的想像力(imagination)與豐富情性感受力之可能途徑。事實上,借用小說文本來談論人類道德問題的跨界聯結,這並非新穎之舉,不過該如何「應用」小說文本?就此,目前顯然尚未有太多倫理學與道德教育研究者關注此一議題。本文之目的即在道德哲學的啟蒙理性傳統外,將討論焦點僅集中於Winch與Nussbaum的小說文本應用的評述,期能為詩性倫理教育(pedagogy of poetic ethics)探索可行之教學方法基礎。


This article discusses the topic of 〞novel-using Philosophers〞 and in terms of analyzing and comparing different philosophers literary border-crossing, attempts to confront mainstream ethical philosophy of 〞rational a priori〞, to seek possible ways of releasing original human imagination and rich sensibility. In fact, literary border-crossing, to argue problems of human morality by borrowing novel texts, is not an innovative novel behavior, but how to 〞apply〞 novels, that's the question. In this connection, there are few ethical and moral education researchers focused on this issue. Therefore, the purposes of this paper is to try to stand outside of the enlightenment moral philosophy, and research inquiries to compares Winch's and Nussbaum's novels applications, and anticipates extending an alternative moral education method of poetic imagination for facilitating pedagogical reform in the future.


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