  • 期刊


Inspection and Analysis for the Traffic Management System of the Integrated Network of Freeway/Expressway


台灣地區西部走廊高快速公路網已形成,為提供用路人高品質、高效率的運輸服務,並提高路網運作效能,須以高快速公路整體路網之角度出發,建置交通管理系統。 前曾以問題導向之系統工程分析方法來規劃高快速公路整體路網交通管理系統,藉由先行找出高快速公路交通運作將遭遇之相關問題,以對應解決問題之方式來確定各階段交通管理系統之目標及標的,並以此規劃程序來研訂符合交通管理及用路人需求之整體規劃各項工作內容與需求。 鑑於現高快速公路整體路網交通管理系統建置工程已近尾聲,本文嘗試綜整並檢視前對高快速公路整體路網交通管理系統規劃建議及目前高快速公路整體路網交通管理系統建置之功能等,並就未來賡續推動之方向提出建議。


Taiwan western freeway and expressway networks had been completed. To provide higher quality and efficient transportation services for road users and to increase network operating performance, it is necessarily to build up traffic management system of the completely freeway and expressway network. Previous research had utilized the problem-oriented analysis method of system engineering to plan the Traffic Management System of integrated freeway and expressway networks. The first step is to find out the encountered problems of operation, then find the solution to corresponding problem to establish the goals and objective of each step traffic management system. Finally, the content and requirements for integrated planning is studied foe following implementation. At end of integrated freeway and expressway networks construction, this research is to arrange and review the suggestion of previous planning and current Traffic Management System functions of the integrated freeway and expressway Network. This research is also made suggestions for the direction of subsequent development.
