  • 期刊


The Evaluation Indices for Process Reengineering of School's Organization




With the technological advances and the change in society, along with the fact that school organization is function-based (including academic, general affairs, accounting, and student affairs), administrative efficiency is faced with a great threat in decreased communication and coordination efficiency. Therefore, cross-departmental operation process and functional integration become important topics in discussions of increasing a school's organizational administrative efficiency. Among the reasons that executives and professional departments complain about administrative staff's low efficiency, there is a lack of proper management and care for operation process such that there is no adequate operation process to increase the school's administrative efficiency.The purpose of introducing new organizational process method and concept is to create a cross-department organization while integrating work flow. Staff within the organization will have direct access to relevant information about each department based on various credentials. Due to the immediate and transparent nature of the information, executive members can immediately make strategic decision to achieve the complete planning of the school organization to quickly adapt to social changes and elevating school's competitiveness. As a result, the focus of this study will be on the introduction of new operation process concept for school organizations while establishing a standard for work flow evaluation as a reference for increasing administrative efficiency in school organizations.This study uses qualitative research to explore the applicability of introduction of new concept on school organization's operation process and to establish a work flow and evaluation standards. The main contributions of this study include: 1. This concept has theoretical foundation. It provides a deep understanding of organizational work flow for administrative staff at each level and proves to be useful in its design. 2. The new conceptual model introduced in this study-contract workflow model-can be used as a platform for creating operation process for a school organization.Finally, the evaluation standards for contract workflow model include: 1. Non existence of transformations outside of private domains; 2. Shared sub-domain state definition and association between obligations and sets of shared sub-domains state; 3. Partners' access to mutual state variable values; 4. Difinition of obligations for each shared sub-domain state; 5. Shared domain state transition only through obligations fulfillment; 6. Run-time constraints imposed only on mutual properties through obligation definition; 7. Private process model includes mutual properties in addition to intrinsic ones; 8. Goal state identification; 9. Inclusion of the relevant external event in the obligation definition; 10. Existence of a validity criteria for the private process; and 11. For each state of shared sub-domain, there must be at least one obligation associated with it.


