  • 期刊


Gestalt Approach to Supervision and an Analysis of Supervision Process


督導可說是發展諮商與心理治療專業極為重要的一環。在諮商督導的領域中,督導理論約可為兩大主流,其中之一乃是以諮商學派為基礎,取其精髓再建構而成的心理治療理論的督導模式。完形治療取向的督導模式(supervision from a Gestalt therapy perspective)是其中的一支,此一模式除了協助諮商員專業技術的發展之外,也非常強調諮商員個人化的發展,以及探討督導者和被督導者之間督導歷程的議題(McBride,1998)。國外有關完形取向之督導的文獻頗為有限,而觀諸國內對此取向督導理論或實務的討論更是少見。基於此,本文旨在介紹完形治療取向督導模式的理念、歷程、技術與實務,並摘取某一段運用完形治療技術的督導歷程記錄,加以分析與說明。 本督導實錄的歷程約可分為三個階段:從第一階段著重在協助諮商員(受督導者)探索並體驗團體中個人的角色與行為,到第二階段,督導者引導諮商員整理其諮商困境,並置焦於「個人我」與「專業我」之間的對立角色;第三階段則是整合諮商員的自我,進而促使其為自己的過去與未來負責。最後,文中亦針對此一完形督導相關的議題略作討論,筆者希望提昇學界對此一取向之督導能有進一步的瞭解,並期望拓展未來相關研究的可能性。


Counseling supervision is one of the important elements in the development of counseling and psychotherapy profession. There are two divisions of supervision theories, one of them is derived from a particular counseling theory, such as analytical approach to supervision, personal-centered approach to supervision, and Gestalt approach to supervision. A review of the literature shows rare discussion about Gestalt approach to supervision, not mention its relevant research. This paper aims to introduce the background, theory, techniques, and practice of Gestalt approach to supervision, along with a verbatim record of the supervision process. The analysis of this supervision process covers three phases-from (1) exploring the supervisee’s primary concern in dealing with the group counseling, (2) focusing on the supervisee’s inner conflicts between “individual self” and “professional self”, to (3) integrating both parts of the supervisee’s selves. Some issues concerning this piece of supervision work are discussed. It is hoped to enhance the understanding of Gestalt approach to supervision as well as to promote future research on the effects of supervision using this approach.


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