  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of the Children Group Counseling and Psychotherapy by meta-analysis


本研究乃針對國內1995年起至2003年間,相關兒童團體諮商與心理治療的研究結果進行整合分析。所蒐集的資料以期刊論文及傳碩士論文計34篇為主,內容均以兒童團體諮商與心理治療的實驗研究為主要。所得結論如下: 1.進行綜合考驗無論在立即效果或是長期效果的Z(下標 c)值和加權Z(下標 c)值都達顯著水準,顯示團體諮商與心理治療對於兒童問題的處遇,不僅具有輔導效果且具有持續的效果。 2.在效益量方面,立即效果與長期效果的效益量分別是屬於中等效益。 3.影響團體成效的中介變項方面,研究者的訓練背景、研究者是否參與治療、治療的持續時間、治療者的經驗、治療取向,是影響立即效果成效的中介變項,其中具有相關輔導科系的研究者、研究者即是治療者、治療時間超過16小時、團體不是透過招募方式、具有輔導經驗治療者、非認知行為取向團體的立即效益量高;至於長期效果方面,治療的次數、成員性質等變項是影響長期效果的中介變項,治療的次數超過12次、成員性質屬中年級學生的效益較高。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the guidance effectiveness of the children group counseling and psychotherapy by meta-analysis. The analysis included 34 studies children group counseling and psychotherapy by experiment designs. The results were as follows: 1. The results of combined tests indicated the guidance effectiveness of group counseling and psychotherapy in improving the children's problems 2. The results of effect size indicated the middle both on instant effects and maintenance effects. 3. The intermediary variables of the instant effectiveness on the children group counseling and psychotherapy comprehend the researcher's background, the duration of the therapy, the experience of the therapist, the therapy orientation, and whether the researcher carried out the therapy or not. Those who possess counseling background, researchers are the therapists, the therapy duration exceed 16 weeks, the group members are volunteers, the therapists are experienced, and non-cognitive behavior method could get higher instant effectiveness. With regard to the long-term effect, the frequency of the therapy and the members' characters were the intervening variable of the permanent effectiveness. Those who accept therapy more than 12 times, 3rd and 4th grade students will get higher effectiveness.


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