  • 期刊


Suffering and Coping Experiences amongst Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients




失智症 因應 受苦 家庭照顧者 照顧經驗


The purpose of the present study was to make manifest the subjective suffering and coping experiences of family caregivers of dementia patients. A hermeneutic phenomenological approach was chosen to analyze the essential themes. Data was collected through semi-structured, in-depth interviews from four volunteer families of dementia patients. Themes revealed the suffering experiences of dementia family caregivers, which included: feeling helpless and having a lack of control with regard to the onset and progression of dementia; facing constant challenges during the long-term caregiving process; feeling skeptical and uncertain, and blaming oneself due to the inability to fulfill the patient's needs; experiencing distress from the diminishing relationship and continual offering of one-sided affection to the patient; bearing strain and guilt for taking on the responsibility of multiple roles; perceiving difficulties with insufficient sibling support or conflict, and feeling isolated while fighting a lonely battle. The themes for the coping experiences of family caregivers of dementia patients were: sustaining motivation by maintaining a relationship bond; maintaining interaction and fulfilling the needs of both sides according to the patient's life context; being autonomous and gaining control by focusing on and cherishing the here and now; relying on assistance from professional systems; empowering the self through one's own willpower and actively taking responsibility; fulfilling oneself by doing one's best to accomplish filial duty without regret; gaining self-awareness of one's health, aging, and death issues through the lessons of love. These findings could offer practical information to family caregivers of dementia patients and remind professional helpers how to communicate with family caregivers.


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