  • 期刊

Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Bullying Prevention Policies in Taiwan



Taiwan enforced the Regulations on the Prevention of Bullying on Campus policy in 2012 and was the first East Asian country to enforce a national policy that addresses bullying in schools. Employing a mixed-method design, this study investigated teacher's and administrative staff's perceptions and experiences of anti-bullying policy implementation. A total of 116 teachers and administrative staff participated in the survey and 15 teachers and administrative staff participated in interviews. The results indicated that a lack of anti-bullying education for teachers coupled with endemic heterosexism perpetuated school climates that prioritized improving students' academic performance over implementing anti-bullying policies. The important role of teachers in policy implementation as well as school principal's commitment to addressing school bullying were highlighted as key in reducing bullying behaviors. Finally, the report discusses recommendations and direction for future research.




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