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Exploring the Relationship between Role Conflict, Communication Skills, and Occupational Burnout of BAS Personnel in Taiwan




Public agencies often complain about the regulations of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (BAS) agencies, also allege that BAS dominate the Taiwan government. Conversely, BAS personnel often find themselves in a difficult position when faced with the conflict between their professional responsibilities and the needs of the stationed agency. Based on the framework of the Job Demand-Resources Model, this study aims to explore the relationship and degree of correlation between role conflict and occupational burnout of BAS personnel and examines whether listening and expression skills moderate the relationship between these variables. In terms of the research design and method, all BAS personnel in public agencies in Taiwan were investigated, and 418 questionnaires were retrieved through an online survey. The results are as follows: (1) A positive correlation was found between role conflict and occupational burnout in BAS personnel, (2) listening skills release the positive correlation between role conflict and emotional burnout, and (3) listening skills soothe the positive correlation between role conflict and dehumanization. Based on the findings, this study proposes the following recommendations: (1) regulation deregulation and flexible operation; (2) set up standard reimbursement procedures, and enforce training sessions; (3) promote an expense report system and develop a digital application at the earliest. A digital accounting system can reduce the conflict between BAS personnel and stationed agencies, foster administrative efficiency, and improve work burnout; (4) incorporate communication skill sessions into future training courses and activities and strengthen listening skills to reduce nervousness at work and create a harmonious working atmosphere.


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