  • 期刊


A Practical Effective Study of Professional Counseling Intervened in Individualized Educational Program Development of Two Preschool Inclusion Classroom




In this study researchers used ”cooperation counseling intervention” which was proceed in cooperative and interactive service style. Two researchers entered two preschool inclusive classrooms to help two preschool teachers, having no special education background and professional training, to develop and implement the special students' Individualized Educational Programs. The intervention contributed to the learning and social progress of two special children, a four-year-old boy with moderate mental retardation and a five-year-old girl with moderate hearing-impairment. In the intervention process, the researchers, as cooperative counselors, entered the classroom to observe the special children learning, to discuss the obstacles teachers facing when implementing the programs, to assist teachers to develop solution strategies. Then teachers amended their teaching plans and strategies according to the discussions. These processes were used in continuous cycle during 10 weeks intervention. The methods of research data collection included: teacher interviews, home visits, parent interviews, classroom observation records, the verbatim records from tape-recordings of every discussion, the meeting records of IEPs, teachers teaching notes, the case study and assessment records, the researchers reflection journals and researchers' communication records for reviewing the intervention. The effect shows that: 1. The intervention increasing teachers' attention and giving more chances to special children can elevate confidence of disable children. 2. By the implementation of IEPs, teachers can help the disable children to learn. 3. By providing effective intervention, the disable children can make progress. 4. By providing effective instruction strategies to teachers, they can teach disable children with confidence. 5. Two special children had obvious growth in all aspects of learning, especially in social and initiative behavior. It is worth mentioning that the moderate mentally retarded child's language development, from no utterance elevated to the autonomous talking.


