  • 期刊


Using Dialogic Reading to Improve the Language Skills of the Children of Recent Immigrants


本研究對象為新住民家庭之3-6歲幼兒,運用對話式閱讀的方式進行12週的說故事活動,平均每人參與9次,本研究目的如下:一、評估對話式閱讀影響三到六歲新住民幼兒聽覺詞彙能力之差異性。二、探討對話式閱讀提昇三到六歲新住民幼兒口語表達能力之方法與策略。三、暸解說故事團體中三到六歲新住民幼兒口語表達之內容。本研究以質性的方式進行資料的搜集,詳實且盡量不偏頗的記載說故事的活動,了解口語表達能力之方法與內容,並使用修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗(Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised)分析幼兒聽覺詞彙的能力。研究結果顯示參與說故事活動後幼兒的聽覺詞彙能力有明顯的進步,其說明對話式閱讀對聽覺詞彙能力之提升有幫助;再來,說故事活動中運用幼兒的舊經驗及圖畫情境連結、五W的策略、回憶與完成等方式來進行說故事,明顯提升幼兒的口語表達能力;最後,幼兒口語表達內容,從研究過程中明顯的看出幼兒擁有解決問題的能力、認知與因果關係之概念。


In this research that conducted a 12-week dialogic reading course for children between three and six years old who have at least one parent who is a recent immigrant to Taiwan. Each child participated in an average of nine reading sessions. The three goals of the research were as follows:1. Assess the effect of dialogic reading on the listening vocabulary of the children of new immigrants.2. Assess the effect of dialogic reading on the speaking ability of the children of new immigrants.3. Assess the vocabulary used in the reading groups by the children of new immigrants.Qualitative methods were used to collect detailed, complete, and unbiased data on the story-telling sessions. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised was used to evaluate the children's listening vocabulary. The results indicate that following the reading course there were clear improvements in the children's listening vocabulary. It was also found that the children's verbal expression ability clearly improved through the use of such methods as the ”five Ws,” recollection, completion, and linking the pictures to the child's past experience. It was also found that the children's verbal expressions clearly indicate that they understood the relationship between cause and effect and had the ability to solve problems.
