  • 期刊


The Study of Origami Curriculum Activities and the Performance of Children's Spatial Ability


本研究旨在探討摺紙教學活動對幼兒空間能力的影響,具體的說,幼兒在經過18 次的摺紙教學活動後對其空間視覺化以及空間定位能力提升的成效,並運用摺紙教學活動中所蒐集的資料,分析摺紙教學活動實施歷程與幼兒摺紙學習情形。研究方法採準實驗法中的單組前測-後測設計,以高雄市某私立幼兒園之四歲至五歲幼兒為研究對象。研究結果顯示摺紙教學活動對於幼兒空間能力向度中的空間視覺化以及空間定位能力有正向的成效,此外,幼兒在摺紙活動中較常遇到的困難為摺紙過程中多次翻轉紙張導致方向容易渾淆而產生錯誤,但只要幼兒細心觀察形狀的變化以及研究者多次示範後,幼兒皆能克服此困難。摺紙對幼兒來說是一個有幫助的活動,不僅增進空間能力也能訓練專注力,因此,未來研究者還會繼續此項教學活動。


幼兒 空間能力 摺紙


The main purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of origami curriculum activities on children's spatial ability. More specifically, how origami activities affected students' spatial visualization and spatial orientation ability was examined. In addition, the progress of origami curriculum activities and the difficulties that students encountered while making origami were analyzed. The data was collected from 4 years old to 5 years old children in a private kindergarten in Kaohsiung City. The participants were given a Spatial Ability Test as pre-test and post-test in order to assess the effect of origami curriculum activities on their spatial ability in terms of spatial visualization and spatial orientation. The results indicated that there was a positive effect of origami curriculum activities on children's both spatial visualization and spatial orientation ability. Moreover, in the process of making origami, children encountered difficulties frequently in after flipping and rotating paper, it usually make them confused about the direction, but as long as children observed carefully the variation of shapes in making origami and the demonstration that researcher made several times, children were able to overcome this difficulty. For children, making origami is a helpful activity, not only can enhance spatial ability but also can training concentration, therefore, researcher will continue this origami activity.


Spatial ability children origami
