  • 期刊

Price Setting for the Target Customers of Personalized Products





Due to the changeable economic environment and the fast development of the internet, the mass marketing can not always satisfy every one. Many customers are willing to get a personalized product which is different from the others. Customized marketing has become a trend of the world. In order to keep a long term benefit, fulfilling different kinds of customers' requirements is the necessity for maintaining a good relationship with customers. Pricing strategy has been an effective way to attract customers, yet discounting war can only win a short-term relation with customers. How to use this effective tool to win a long term relation with customers is equivalent to identify who is willing to obtain his/her own self product with higher price, and this is the focus of our study. For this purpose, we need to efficiently cluster customers into different segmentations according to different preferences. Based on different characteristics of different clusters, suitable marketing strategies can be developed to meet different requests. Based on such win-win concept, the concept of Game Theory is adopted to obtain optimal prices of different clusters from the derived demand curves by using data mining techniques. An example is used for illustration and discussion.


Web personalization for one-to-one web marketing
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