  • 期刊


The Analysis of Sun Si-Miao's Work on Life Nurturing




孫思邈 養生文化 五臟 寒熱虛實


Sun Si-Miao proclaimed that the best doctor can cure a disease that has not yet attacked, the ordinary doctor cures the disease before it becomes apparent, and the poor doctor treats the disease only when it becomes obvious, which suggests that life nurturing should begin while one is healthy or treat the disease before it surfaces. Sun had many publications on regimens, the main purpose of which is based on taking good care of five internal organs. Taking good care of five internal organs, whether which have cold, heat, vacuity, or repletion, is the key to prevent diseases. Therefore, how to avoid harming our five organs is an important regimen. Sun proposed that appropriate diets, proper medication, and emotional relief would be a good regimen. On the contrary, bad diets, inappropriate medication and emotional depression would hurt your five internal organs and might lead to diseases. The suitability of both diet and medication is closely related to individual constitutions. Therefore, to understand your own constitutions is the foundation of a regiman.


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