  • 期刊


Integrating Sustainability Indexes into Business Excellence Model


本研究目的係從企業永續評比與卓越經營模式的雙向觀點來建構一統合性經營評價模式。近年來企業組織除了致力提升經營績效外,更面臨訴求強度更高、面向更廣,含括經濟面、環境面、社會面的永續發展要求。企業在追求獲利的同時,也必須兼顧社會與環境的永續才足以擁有長期的成長,創造競爭優勢。對此本研究永續議題方面以道瓊永續性評比指標(Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, DJSI)項目來進行參照。目前,國際間許多國家多設立國家品質獎,並建置評比的內容、架構,其主要目的在表揚該國具卓越經營之組織。透過該模型、架構讓企業組織能夠在經營上能夠有所參考依循,逐步邁向卓越。本研究以美國國家品質獎卓越績效評審標準之指標為主,輔以參考歐洲與日本國家品質獎評選機制,融合道瓊永續評比指標。並運用模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Methods)方式整合不同領域專家學者之寶貴意見提出永續卓越經營模式評選架構。藉此可供企業作為未來追求永續卓越經營之推動參考。最後與台灣國家品質獎(Taiwan National Quality Award ,TNQA)評價項目比較,提出調整與精進的建議。


In recent years, the enterprises besides devoted to improve business performance, has faced a wave of green demands more strength, the sustainable development requirements more broadly. Enterprises in the pursuit of profit, but also must take into account social and environmental sustainability have only enough long-term growth and create competitive advantage. In this study, based on the United States National Quality Award for performance excellence criteria (2011-2012) of indicators, supplemented by reference to Europe, Japan and Taiwan National Quality Award mechanism and the issue of sustainability in reference to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes project (DJSI), proposed the sustainable business excellence model criteria. By the Fuzzy Delphi method way to integrate different experts' comments made sustainable business excellence model. By integrating the valuable advices of experts and scholars in various fields, the study established sustainable business excellence model framework for enterprises as future pursuit of sustainable business excellence and the Taiwan National Quality Award improvement reference.


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