  • 期刊


The Legal Framework and Enlightenment of Financial Assets-Backed Securitization in Japan-A Criticism of the Legislative Trend to Financial Assets-Backed Securitization in Taiwan




Not until the legislation and amendment of the ”Special Purpose Company Law,” and ”Assets-Backed Circulation Law,” did Japan, according to the development of the financial market, with different financial assets and separated lawmaking models, legislate for various circulation law systems such as ”Mortgage Security Law,” ”Mortgage Security Business Regulative Law,” ”Special Debt Business Regulative Law,” and etc. At the same time, with the trust law system established by the ”Trust Law” and ”Trust Industry Law,” Japan used the trust framework to carry out “House Loan Debt Circulation.” Later, the ”Special Purpose Company Law” adopted a different model from the previous models of assets-backed securitization or circulation, such as ”House Loan Debt Trust,” ”Real Estate Divided Commodities,” and so on. Actually, this model did not make use of the trust principle in its framework; instead, it created a special purpose company system with special conduit-function as stimulation to assets-backed circulation. Moreover, assisted by some related designs of administration supervisions and penal punishments, this model ensured that special purpose companies will run their businesses properly. However, the real operating model of the framework of the ”Special Purpose Company Law” was very complicated. Also, from the Western developed countries' practical experience of financial assets- backed securitization, we can learn that besides the model of special purpose company model, it is better to adopt trust model to increase the opportunities of financial assets-backed securitization. After the amendment of the ”Assets-Backed Circulation Law,” Japan even referred to Western developed countries' pragmatic experience to literally establish ”Special Purpose Company System,” and ”Special Purpose Trust System” as the dual-tracked conduit mechanism, which is just the extraordinary achievement of Japan's efforts to set assets-backed securitization into action in decades. In addition, in order to solve thoroughly the special legal problems caused by financial assets-backed circulation and securitization to protect the benefits of investors and consumers, Japan, then, legislated ”Debt Transferring Regulative Lave” and “Debt Management Withdrawal Special Law (Servicer Law)” respectively.


