  • 期刊


The Patent War in International Trade-The Legal Conflicts of Technology Transfer between UNFCCC and TRIPs


人類應用科技改善生活並促進科技發展,但是卻因爲應用新科技與使用化石燃料而致使大氣中溫室氣體濃度升高,引發溫室效應而使全球溫度上升,恐有危害氣候系統之虞。氣候變化綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)成立於1992年,目的是爲了要穩定大氣中溫室氣體的濃度,以免人爲排放的溫室氣體過度累積在大氣中,影響了氣候系統而致生損害於自然生態系統與環境,直接影響到人類的生命、健康、財產等權利。鼓勵人類改變行爲模式的方法之一也是借重科技,因此公約中要求工業化國家針對開發中國家的特別需求,移轉環境無害技術給開發中國家與低度開發國家,以便這些國家可以利用最新的技術避免污染環境,又可以達成經濟與社會之發展,滿足永續發展的生活要求。但是促進技術與科技的研發也都有相關智慧財產權之保障,如何令工業化國家在受有智慧財產權之保障又能滿足公約中關於技術移轉的法定義務,需要同考慮UNFCCC以及智慧財產權的保護的相關規範。本文以介紹UNFCCC中關於技術移轉規定爲主,檢討相關技術移轉之規定與世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)之與貿易相關之智慧財產權協定(Agreements on Trade-Related Aspects on Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPs)之間可能發生的法律衝突。我國雖然不是UNFCCC締約國,但卻是WTO之會員國,相關智慧財產權的規定一定會對我國未來制定相關氣候變遷政策與法制的過程中產生影響。因此介紹與檢討相關法條與規範,提出相關顧慮,作爲未來法學討論或是制定法制之建議。


The human kinds adopt science and technology to improve life quality and develop further advanced technology. However, the application of technology and usage of fossil fuels cause the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. The accumulation of GHGs leads the greenhouse effect and causes the global temperature rising, which might endanger the climate system. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change established in 1992 with objective of ”stabilization of GHGs concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. It could prevent the adverse impacts on the ecosystem and environment and cause direct effects on the life, health and properties of human beings. Technologies are also measures to change the current human behaviors. The UNFCCC encourage the developed countries to transfer environmentally sound technologies to the developing and least development countries based on their specific needs. These non-Annex I country Parties could use these environmentally sound technologies to prevent environment pollution but achieve the requirement of sustainable development. The intellectual property rights (IPRs) regulations also provide protection on process of research and development of technologies. The UNFCCC shall also consider the protection of IPRs in developed countries when encouraging them to comply the commitments of technology transfer. This article introduces the regulations of technology transfer under the Convention an also analyzes the possible legal conflicts between the Agreements on Trade-Related Aspects on Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). Although Taiwan is not Parties of the UNFCCC, the WTO membership and the limitations on the IPRs protections under the TRIPs will cause direct effect on the climate-related legislature process and regulations. This article introduces the related regulations and also raises several legal concerns on the conflicts between these two treaties for further studies and discussions.


