  • 期刊


The Impact of Oil Price Change on Industrial Stock Prices




This paper tried to investigate the impact of crude oil price movement on stock returns of different industries. Samples from New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) are selected since most of the international oil and gas industries are listed in NYSE. Using these monthly data from January, 1995 to February, 2010, the cross-industrial comparison is implemented to capture the impact of oil price movement on different industries. The empirical results are derived by applying the multifactor model and panel data methods, which indentify the effect of future crude oil price, interest rate, market excess return, change of market value and B/M ratio on the stock returns.Our findings indicate that oil price return have a positive impact on the stock excess returns for the oil and gas and mining industries, but negative impacts on transportation and banks industries, while, no effect on the computer equipment industry. Market excess return, change of the market value, and B/M ratio also have significantly positive impacts on the industries stock excess returns, while the interest rate spread factor has significantly negative impact on oil and gas and mining industries' stock excess returns. Furthermore, we divide firms into small and large-sized groups. The empirical results show that oil price changes have larger impacts on the stock excess returns of small firms.


Oil Price Stock Return Industrial Analysis


蔡孟哲(2013)。iPhone5上市後外資買賣超對蘋果及宏達電概念股 股市變化影響之比較探討〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.00886

