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Health Policy for People with Disabilities: Principle and the World Trend


我國憲法增修條文第十條明定:「國家對於身心障礙之保險與就醫、無障礙環境之建構、教育訓練與就業輔導及生活維護與救助,應予保障,並扶助自主與發展」,身心障礙者因先天或後天在身體或心理的缺陷,不能夠確保他/她自己,全面或部分地喪失扮演其個人角色或/及符合社會之期望,因此有賴訂定各種社會制度以確保他們的權益。本文主要目的在探討身心障礙者的醫療政策的原則與趨勢,以聯合國身心障礙者人權宣言、美國2010年身心障礙健康白皮書、歐洲智能障礙者之基本健康照護宣言、以及Beange,Lennox & Parmenter等學者建議聯合國世界衛生組織針對智能障礙者提出了十五點健康政策建言為例,來闡述身心障礙者的健康照護政策,作者最後論述展望未來的身心障礙者健康政策必須確保增進身心障礙者健康資訊的獲得、確保他們能充分利用各種健康資源、結合相關團體拓展互助支援網絡、以及擁護身心障礙者參與決策的機會;相關醫療衛生團體應致力發展以個案主導模式服務,賦予身心障礙者擇選所需服務之責任與機會,而不因生理與心理之障礙而喪失表達喜好與決策之機會。最後作者建議未來身心障礙者之研究策略,將要利用研究特有的價值,增加對身心障礙知識的提昇並以問題為導向的研究模式,加強建立跨領域及跨部門的合作關係,才能有效解決身心障礙者醫療照護問題。


The Taiwan National Constitution states that the nation as a whole should protect and assist self-determination and development in the following areas: the insurance, medical care, barrier-free environment, education, job training and counseling, living assistance for people with disabilities. Due to the physical or mental limitations of people with disabilities, the authorities should strengthen appropriate policies to meet their needs. The main purpose of this report is to present the experience in health policies for people with disabilities of the following agencies or professions: Unites Nation in human right, Healthy People 2010 in Unites States, European Manifesto on Basic Standards of Healthcare for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Beange, Lennox & Parmenter's health policy recommendations to the WHO for people with intellectual disabilities. The author suggests that the health authorities should adapt consumer-directed approach to initiate appropriate health policies and reorient health care system for people with disabilities. Empowering people with disabilities, to increase the accessibility of health information and resource, to extend the supportive networks and to increase the opportunities of decision-making in health care. Finally, the health authority should initiate multi-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary cooperation in policy planning to improve the quality care for people with disabilities.


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