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The WTO/TBT Consistency of the Halal Product Regulation: Taking the Indonesia Halal Product Assurance Law as an Example




With the rise of Islamic consumer's awareness, the halal certification and labeling system has become a new concerned issue in the Islamic market. However, the different standards and systems for halal products not only increase the cost of halal products, but also hinder the market access of halal products. In the field of international trade law, there is always a controversial issue of how to strike the balance between guaranteeing religious freedom, protecting consumers' rights and eliminating trade barriers. Although Codex has established a criterion for the usage of the term "halal" in packaged products, most of the domestic rules and practices of halal products derived from religious ceremonies and canons makes the implementation of the rules still be interpreted depending on the sects heavily. In the absence of transparency at the same time, it is easy to cause regulatory uncertainty. Amid the Islamic-dominant countries, Indonesia is the first country that passed the mandatory halal product law, which covers the compulsory obligations of halal labeling and certification, and even includes the "non-halal" labeling. It is now possible to understand more specifically the impact of the halal certification system on international trade and the possible disputes from this regulation. Striking the balance between the WTO member's right to regulate with the purpose of protecting consumers' right of information derivatizing from the religious belief and the possibility to contravene its international trade obligation in the context of WTO Law, especially in the TBT Agreement, is an extremely imperative and harsh work. This paper seeks to examine the WTO consistency of the new Indonesian Halal Act, and to find out whether the public moral or consumer protection objectives underlying the mandatory halal certification and labelling can be justified in the context of the TBT Agreement.


台灣清真產業品質保證推廣協會,載於:https://www.thida.org/index.php/aboutthida (最後瀏覽日 2018.06.12 )
經濟部工業局委託資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所編製,《國際營運法制風險觀測資訊》,7-8 頁,載於:https://stli.iii.org.tw/Antitrust/201711.pdf (最後瀏覽日 2018.07.16)
新南向政策專網,有關印尼、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、緬甸、柬埔寨、新加坡及越南之清真認證相關資訊彙整表,載於:https://www.newsouthboundpolicy.tw/Content/upload/editor/otherfiles/%E6%B8%85%E7%9C%9F%E8%AA%8D%E8%AD%89%E8%B3%87%E8%A8%8A1070116(1).pdf (最後瀏覽日 2018.07.16)
