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The Structure of Claim for Compensation for Default Damage




The provisions of Articles 230 and 231 of the Civil Law are models of the distribution of the burden of proof in the law of non-performance of obligation, and they have considerable reference value for the addition and amendment of the relevant provisions of the law of non-Performance of obligation. Default damage may increase over time. Any damage in property resulting from default is, in principle, default damage and should be compensated. At the same time, the performance of the right of defense occurs itself, which means that the debtor will not be caught in the default from the beginning. For example, the market price falls after the default. This price drop is in principle not caused by the default, but is a market risk that should be borne by creditors. In the non-performance of obligation Act, the attributable object is the non-performance of the obligation without damage. The contractor’s obligation to cooperate is a real obligation, and failure to provide coordination basically constitutes delay in coordination, that is, default. According to the opinion of the Supreme Court and the legislator, the damage prescribed in Article 507 of the Civil Law shall be consistent with the damage compensation prescribed in the provision of Article 511. Legislation should also consider substitute compensation as the principle of default and its inherent legal effect. Legislative theory should allow creditors to cancel the contract when the debtor’s debts are not fulfilled. According to Article 260 of the Civil Law, cancellation of the contract may coexist with damages for failure to perform the debt. However, this article does not in any way rely on the basis of the right to claim damages. Legislatively speaking to solve the problem of the futile use of creditors (reliance damage), it should refer to Article 284 of the German Civil Code, allowing creditors to have the right to request compensation for substitute compensation and the right to claim for compensation in vain (the right to compensation for reliance damage), Choose one of the two to exercise.


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