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A Study on Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples and Trademark Law




A series of events involving traditional indigenous intellectual creations that were misappropriated by Western colonialism has highlighted the need for the protection of these items. Similar cases have also arisen in Taiwan, for example the movie Seediq Bale describes how the Seediq indigenous people fought against the Japanese during the Japanese colonial period. The movie company intended to register Seediq Bale as a trademark to promote commercial products unrelated to tribal culture. Initially the Intellectual Property Office of Taiwan approved the application, however the Seediq people, with the support of the Council of Indigenous Peoples, later claimed the trademark application offended the holy meaning of their tribal name. This case demonstrates the importance of protecting traditional indigenous intellectual creations. The Protection Act for Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples greatly contributes to the protection of indigenous cultural expressions, and promotes native culture. So far tribes continue registering their traditional intellectual creations. After they gain their intellectual creation exclusivity right, they can claim if there is an infringement in the future. On the other hand, if the trademark applicant tries to register his trademark related to indigenous cultural expression according to Trademark Act, there will be a possible conflict between The Protection Act for Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples and Trademark Act. Secondly, unregistered traditional intellectual creations are also possibly registered as trademarks. The goal of this article is to discuss and analyze these possible issues in the future. This study will firstly address the dispute caused by the protection between traditional intellectual creations of indigenous peoples. Second, the author will analyze the relationship between registration of traditional intellectual creations of indigenous peoples and Article 30 Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs 7 and 8. Finally, the article will research New Zealand Trade Marks Act as a comparative study while there have been many similar experiences that happened in New Zealand, and hopefully will make a contribution to a possible amendment of the Trademark Act in Taiwan.


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