  • 期刊


The Relation between Health Cognition and Psychological Symptoms among College Students


個人一般健康信念或對健康行爲認知的認知與實際健康行爲皆有關係,然而,研究者已證實健康信念影響健康行爲,不過鮮少針對一般健康信念與健康行爲認知間的關係作進一步瞭解,並探討兩者與負向情緒間的關係,若清楚之間的關係,對未來應用於初級身心健康預防計畫上,應可提供重要策略與訊息。故本研究的目的即欲探討健康信念因素、特定健康行爲認知、個人負向情緒三者間的關係。 本研究係立意取樣,選取北部兩所大學516位大學生,男性共286位,女性共230位,平均年齡爲21.4歲(SD=2.17),邀請參與者填寫四項量表,包括:健康行爲認知調查工具、個人一般性健康信念、13題版貝克憂鬱量表及簡式症狀篩選量表。 結果顯示:1.健康信念因素有六項特徵,含兩項積極性的健康信念,及四項消極性健康信念。2.各健康信念與健康行爲認知關係上,自覺健康是自己責任與健康最重要的傾向越高者,越認爲飲食有關的健康行爲與良好日常生活作息習慣是重要的。3.六項健康信念因素與情緒症狀相關發現,消極的健康信念包括健康自己無法控制、需要醫療協助、其他事物比健康重要或聽天由命等信念與情緒症狀皆有相關。4.健康信念分別對憂鬱與心理症狀的預測性發現,健康是無法掌控的、健康需靠醫療協助及面對其他事物比健康重要三項信念對於大學生會憂鬱有預測力;健康是無法掌控的對於大學生的心理症狀則具有預測力。 總結,建議應建立大學生積極且正確之健康信念,與強調特定健康行爲之重要性,並提供更有效的教育計畫,應有助於健康行爲習慣建立,矯正消極性健康信念,減少情緒症狀,及確保身心健康。




Previous researches had established one's health belief will affect his behavior. But the relation between health belief and the belief in the importance of health behavior, and how does some negative emotions affect one's health belief are less explored. This study examine the relationship among health belief, one's belief in the importance of health behavior and personal negative emotions. Totally 516 students, 286 males and 230 females, from two universities in northern Taiwan were enrolled in the study. Their average age was 21.4 years (SD=2.17). All of them were surveyed based on the following four measurements which included: Health Behavior Importance Survey Tool, General Health Belief Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (13 items revised), and Brief Symptom Rating Scale. The results were shown as follows: 1.Six characteristic traits about health belief, 2 proactive and 4 passive ones, were revealed after factor analysis. 2.By correlation analysis on the relation of health belief and the importance of health behavior, those who perceived health is one's own responsibility and those who recognized the importance of health behavior put more emphasis on good dietary health behavior and regular daily activities are important. 3.After correlation analysis of the six characteristic traits of health belief with emotions, all passive traits such as: health is self-uncontrollable; medical help is indispensable to health; deem all others are more important than health; and resign oneself to one's own fate, are positively related with emotions. 4.By regression analysis, the three passive traits of ”health are uncontrollable”, ”medical help is necessary to health” and ”regard all others are more important than health” can predict the symptoms of depression. The trait of ”health is uncontrollable” can predict psychological symptoms. In conclusion, based on the result of this study and in order to build up the right health behavior, we would suggest first to help university students develop the correct health believes, then emphasize the importance of certain specific health behaviors. We should further provide educational programs to rectify some passive health believes and reduce psychological symptoms to ensure better healthy lives.


