  • 期刊


A Research on the Relationships among Information System Quality, Emotional Attachment, User Satisfaction and Post-Use Behavior Intentions - A Case of Social Networking Website Facebook


本研究以DeLone and McLean (2003)的資訊系統成功模式為基礎,加入情感依附作為前置變數以及使用後行為意圖作為最終依變數,形成一個兼具認知與情感的衡量模型,使此模型更適合用來評估社群網站的成功,本文以問卷調查法訪問了410 位Facebook使用者,並以結構方程模式來檢驗此一新模型的適配度和所提出的假設,並獲致以下結論:(1)資訊系統品質與情感依附皆會正向影響使用者滿意度。(2)認知層面的資訊系統品質必須透過使用者滿意度為中介,才能影響使用後行為意圖;然而,情感層面的情感依附既可直接影響使用後行為意圖,亦可透過使用者滿意度來影響使用後行為意圖,且其影響的總效果,遠大於資訊系統品質的影響。(3)本研究模式證實了科技始終來自人性,不同於DeLone and McLean (2003)所研究的企業資訊系統網站結論,在具有享樂性質的社群網站之經營上,除了必須考慮到DeLone and McLean (2003)所言的資訊系統品質的重要性之外,更需考慮使用者對網站的情感依附,因為它會讓使用者產生更高的重複使用該網站以及推薦該網站給他人使用的意願,並導致社群網站的長期成功。


This study mainly modifies DeLone and McLean's Information Systems (IS) Success Model (2003), by adding an emotional attachment as an antecedent and post-use behavior intentions as a final dependent to form a new cognitive and emotional model which is used to evaluate the success of a social networking website. There were 410 undergraduates who were interviewed that have used Facebook and this study adopts a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to examine the proposed model and the associated hypotheses. This study arrives at the following results: (1) Both information system quality and emotional attachment have positive effects on the post-use behavior intentions, (2) The information system quality related to the cognition aspect affects the post-use behavior intentions only through user satisfaction as a mediator. However, the emotional attachment related to the emotional aspect not only directly affects the post-use behavior intentions, but also indirectly affects the post-use behavior intentions through user satisfaction as a mediator. The effect of the emotional attachment on post-use behavior intentions is greater than the effect of the information system quality. (3) The model of this study verifies this fact that, "technology always derives from humanity". Differing from DeLone and McLean's (2003) research and conclusion on a business information system website, with regard to a social networking website with hedonic characteristics, the operator should pay more attention on the users' emotional attachment on this website besides the consideration of the importance of the information system quality proposed by DeLone and McLean (2003). That is because the users' emotional attachment on a social networking website can lead to a higher loyalty and word of mouth on the website compared to the information system quality, and finally results in the long-term success of a social networking website.


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