  • 期刊


Two-Stage R&D Efficiency Analysis of the Biotechnology Industry




The development of global biotechnology R&D has consumed enormous time and money. This study is mainly focus on further explore how to increase the efficiency of research and development. In this study, a two-stage network model was constructed based on previous scholars' analysis, and the industry-university cooperation density and external corporate investment were added respectively through the Actor-Network Theory to further explore the efficiency of biotechnology research and development. Then, we analyzed the top 33 biotech companies in the world and found out their relative efficiency values. Lastly, Using the Management Decision Matrix to learn that biotechnology companies reinforce the shortcomings in the first phase of research and development through patent and technology collaboration reinforcement. In addition, in the second stage, investors should be informed more about company operations and research and development projects, thereby increasing the relative value of the company's second phase. The results of the study found that most manufacturers did not fully invest in technology creation in the first stage, which led to a significant drop in the overall efficiency value. Therefore, attention must be paid to R&D investment and the density of industry-university cooperation; in the second stage, value creation must rely on external legal person investment and internal resources. Therefore, we should actively connect and integrate all parties, use inseparable cooperation and division of labor, and reduce costs to create greater revenue and increase total market value. In terms of regions, Europe performed best in technology creation, the Americas performed better in value creation efficiency, and the Asia-Pacific region developed in a balanced manner. Finally, the study found that both academic and corporate investment institutions are important factors that affect the research and development of the biotechnology industry, so they cannot be ignored.


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