  • 期刊

Grave 2 of Maidla-The Burial Site of a Single Family

Maidla Ⅱ Kalme-Ühe Pere Matmispaik


Stone grave 2 of Maidla is the largest of the archaeologically and osteologically investigated cemeteries of Läänemaa, and probably also the largest osteologically investigated Iron Age burial site in Estonia. The stone grave was used in the 10th-13th centuries, it contained both cremations and inhumations, and among the latter also several complete skeletons were found. The gender and age structure of the people buried in grave 2 of Maidla was estimated and the size and life-cycle of the community was investigated. Data of the Early Iron Age graves 1 and 2 of Poanse as well as of Maidla 1 in Läänemaa were used for comparison.




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